Case Study

Chimes International

chimes logo square

Chimes International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering individuals with intellectual and behavioral challenges to achieve their fullest potential. Their comprehensive range of services includes behavioral health, employment support, and assistance for individuals with intellectual disabilities and Autism. Chimes serves as an unwavering champion for its community, committed to fostering growth and well-being.


Chimes International faced the challenge of maintaining active engagement with their community and donors through their brand and website. The task of generating consistent digital content proved to be a time-consuming endeavor.


To achieve Chimes International’s digital marketing goals, a comprehensive approach was devised by the Redstart team:


the best digital marketing outreach strategy to stay connected with the community – like blogging, newsletters, and social media channels.


content consistently that aligns with
the brand, mission, and goals.


website content by integrating current events and new, relevant information.


and identify the team to create and maintain
the content.

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our Process

Redstart began by conducting an audit of Chimes’ social platforms. We then examined analytics data from the Chimes website, and held collaborative sessions with the team to pinpoint strategies tailored to address specific challenges and goals.

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chimes website marketing collage

The Results

Since creating strategy and monthly digital content on both Chime International’s blog as well as social media platforms, Redstart Creative has helped Chimes engage their audience with consistent and relevant content and increase traffic to their website.

As of July 2018, according to Facebook Analytics, the Chimes International Facebook page is the top performing page compared to similar pages (nonprofit in the greater Baltimore Area) with 4.3K total likes and 70 audience engagements in one week. Before working with Redstart, in one month, the Facebook page had 6400 impressions, and now the average impressions on Facebook are 12K per month, with June of 2018 having 20K impressions. Since Chimes signed on with Redstart, Chimes has received 29.1K impressions on their Twitter page, 30K impressions on LinkedIn, and 94K impressions on Facebook. With one digital marketing package from Redstart, Chimes has a team with three specific areas of expertise supporting the project including strategy, web design, and content writing. This enables Chimes staff to do what they do best – assisting people to achieve their fullest potential.


Based on our goals, we identified and implemented the following solutions:

  1. Monthly strategy meetings
  2. Blog writing and posting
  3. Newsletter curating and sending
  4. Content creation and posting for social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn) using social media management software
  5. Frequent analytics reviews of the website and social media platforms to provide recommendations for adjustments and enhancements
  6. Website enhancements and content updates
  7. Graphics creation

Supporting Clients

On a monthly basis, we met with Chimes to discuss strategy. We present analytics from the website and social platforms and provide recommendations. We then create content that is in alignment with our strategy and goals. If website updates are necessary, we implement those in conjunction with other content so that messages are aligned throughout all channels.

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